


Welcome to the Society for Creative Anachronism. If you are reading this, you may already share an interest in the Middle Ages. There are estimated to be 30,000 participants in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) world wide. We are an international non-profit educational organization, with groups covering the North American continent, as well as groups in Japan, Australia, and throughout Europe. Our purpose is to recreate the atmosphere of the Medieval and Renaissance periods of European history, with emphasis on life in and around the courts in Europe. The time period of the SCA ranges roughly from the collapse of the Roman Empire to the year 1600, near the end of the reign of Elizabeth I of England. We cover approximately 1000 years of history.

We make and wear the clothing , cook and eat the food of the time period, put on armor and fight, learn the dances, play the instruments, and practice the arts and crafts of the time period. Practically everything that people did during the Middle
Ages and Renaissance (except die of the plague) is done by someone in the SCA today, and we are always willing to teach.

If you’re interested in checking us out, our calendar lists our local activities.  You’re more than welcome to come join us.  We suggest you contact our Chatelaine at (the person in charge of helping newcomers) for information and assistance before leaping in.

We have a limited supply of loaner gear for you to use at events until you’re able to acquire your own.  Again, contact the Chatelaine for more information.

The following are some links that should be helpful to those new to the SCA:

The SCA Newcomer’s Portal, a great place to get an overall view of what the SCA is about and what we do.

The Society of Creative Anachronism in PEI, Canada